Should I Focus On Quantity Or Quality?

Published March 22nd, 2023 by Sabah V.

Sometimes in life when we want to start something, we get so caught up on executing it perfectly that we forget to execute it at all.

Proof From An Experiment

A professor at the University of Florida divided his film photography class into two groups. He decided he was going to grade his groups by quantity versus quality. 


The quantity group would be given an A if they submitted 100 photographs, a B if they submitted 90 photographs, so on and so forth. 


The quality group was required to turn in one photograph as they would be based on the quality of the photograph. 


To the professor’s surprise the highest quality photos were from the quantity group, not the quality group.


The reason for this is that while the quality group was worrying about perfecting everything for one photograph, the quantity group was learning with each photograph – perfecting the image more and more over time: thus creating a higher quality image.

Side Hustle Example

You are going to find a lot more success in life if you just start and keep trying, rather than trying to learn every angle to have the best knowledge possible then jumping in.


There was a point in my life where I was watching a bunch of videos on how to start a social media marketing agency or dropshipping business. These two were very big on YouTube, and it seemed like a lot of teenagers were making a lot of money from it. I got stuck in what they call “tutorial hell”, I watched so many videos on how to do everything for both and never acted out on it.


Weeks later I watched a Podcast with Joel Kaplan. He owned a social media marketing agency and sold it for a life changing amount and now gives out his advice for free. He said the best way to become successful is to just start and learn along the way.


It is pointless to try to gather all the knowledge then act when you feel like you know it all. That will never happen. You learn more from doing than watching, and you’ll be surprised how much you learn along the way.