Stop Worrying About What Others Think - No One Cares

Published February 1, 2023 by Sabah V.

Humans are social creatures, we thrive off relating to one another and a core element of our being is feeling like we belong in society or social group. When you take this into account, it makes sense why we spend so much time worrying about how others perceive us.

The Truth

If you read the title, the second part may sound a little harsh. But, I find great comfort in it. It’s true – no one cares! And that’s a good thing.


People care to an extent, but are quick to forget. We are all more alike than we think, if talking about our emotions and how we feel on a day to day basis was more normalized – we would be able to see that we all feel very similar things.


Everyone is so focused on their own lives. Aren’t you? What are you thinking about right now? Yourself, your short comings, your relationships, something related to yourself, right? 


I guarantee you someone recently did something that they deemed embarrassing around you, but you don’t think about it now, do you? That’s because human beings are intrinsically selfish creatures, we don’t sit around tallying up other people’s lives – because we are so involved in our own.

depression, sadness, man-2912424.jpg

Reasons you may worry what others think:


1. You are afraid of being alone

2. You are worried about shame

3. You rely on others opinions of you more than your own opinion of yourself


Reasons you shouldn’t worry what others think

They say that there are 7.888 billion people Alive on Earth. That’s 7,888,000,000 people. It is impossible to please every person you come across. 


Realize that no matter what you do there will be people that like what you do and people that dislike what you do. You could be an honest millionaire, and donate a significant portion to charity and there will still be people who will find something bad to say about you. 


“Oh he only donates to charity so people will think he’s a good person.”

“He’s probably lying about how much he donates/how he makes his money.”

“He only donates to charities that benefit him.”


People’s negative assumptions on you are not only based on their own insecurities, but are also very short lived because everyone reverts back to worrying about themselves. 


Be honest with who you are and do what feels right, at the end of the day people will support you. And the ones that support you are the ones who actually care about you.